Friday, April 5, 2019

Not Afraid

Never knew having a daughter would influence my much as it has recently. When your younger...sometimes you to be the sharpest...or the nicest...but lately..its been more about depth. Her being born has changed a lot of my approach. The days of bikinis in a music video are gone...unless its telling a story ...maybe a vacation....

The point is depth... so my newish song is Not Afraid ...The song is about not being afraid of your fears and just running head on into them. I've had to do that a lot...but i'm proud of myself and what the result of those moments have been.

I released that song on the first day of her going to a new my way of being with her...saying i love you...and i'm proud of you! You've only been in this world two years and you are already quite the "big kid"

So i present to you " Not Afraid"   

Monday, August 20, 2018 much music

I have been super inconsistent ...and at the end of the day... I have no one to blame but myself. Sure...i could blame this situation ...or that one...but when you are in charge of your own brand...the fault lies with you.Inconsistency mixed with not being assertive makes for a lot of unreleased music.

Recently, I had a daughter! I was putting her to bed...and as I was staring at her...i thought... how can i ever tell you to follow your dream, be a a good human if I wasn't. I decided to get my act together...apologize to Haywood and D Smith ...and approach life differently...with the same positive can't hold me back attitude I had in my 20's. It's tough being a business man and a musician because ( here's another excuse) a lot of bloggers I was dealing with ( not every blogger) would give backhand compliments....takes a toll on your psyche day after day...started to lose me...and the joy of the journey. A job, my personal life ( which I hate sharing on line) working out, trying to still act, model ..... it was too much

A back story about me ... I'm a worrier ...always have back to progress reports...i'd actually keep Rolaids in my

Now ...thanks to my daughter ..the joy is back. I've been reading again...hitting the gym more...intermittent fasting...drinking less but with an occasional cigar...and so is the attitude of here is my art...if you like it Awesome... If worries.

And man...did i pile up a bunch of art ...

Like albums worth...

In different genres.... ( which mad me think...what if my past supporters don't  get it)

And then... I said ... Fuck it ...Imma release it all and I hope to earn my supporters trust again ...and I hope I do

I'll be writing shortly about what inspired each project

Love ya'll

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Introverted ... Random Thought

Is It Possible to go from extrovert to introvert? I use to be really social and outgoing ...but social media changes you... I actually think for the better because it leaves me more time to be happy. I see it more in the last few months. I still have nothing but love though for the people that support the creativity...I couldn't do it without you ...Stay Positive and stay focused :)